NEWSFLASH -School starts tomorrow for kindergarten

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Tomorrow students who are entering school in kindergarten 2024, will start their learning adventure at Abbotsford. We are ready and eagerly awaiting for students to arrive.

Tomorrow morning, kinder families are to make their way Downtown and assemble under the COLA from 8.45 am onwards. ( Where the Best Start Interviews took place).  

We will have a photo frame that you can use as a reminder of the exciting start to school. 

When the 9.00 am bell goes, the kindergarten staff will be introduced and students will be placed in four class groups. Each teacher will have one assigned classroom and throughout the following four days, each teacher will rotate through the classes, so that when final classes are formed, we have ensured that we have met specific student needs and ensured a positive class dynamic. 

Once student names have been called and students move off to class with a teacher, we ask that you walk them to the door, say a quick goodbye and keep on moving to the school hall for a cup of tea, and a meet and greet with the P&C. It would be very helpful if you could explain this routine to your child this evening, so that they are prepared for it in the morning.  It is also helpful to explain that just as you dropped them off at preschool in the morning and then returned at night, you will be doing the same at school. 

A reminder also that while you are packing them food for lunch, you do not expect them to eat all. Sometimes they feel they need to eat everything and then do not have time to play and make friends. 

If they are feeling a little nervous, a reminder also of all the wonderful and adventurous things they have already mastered in their short lives, helps settle the jittery feelings. 

I hope that you all have a good night's rest in our cooler weather and look forward to bright and eager faces tomorrow.

Chris Johnson 

KIndergarten Team 

Ms Erin Cowmey

Ms Michelle Barron

Ms Angie Grunfelder 

Ms Chelsea Logan

Ms Sue McKay

We choose to recognise the Wangal People of the Eora Nation as the true owners of the land on which we stand: of the sky above and of the water that surrounds us. We thank the Elders, both of the past and the present, who are the traditional custodians of this country and we promise to care for the land and respect it as they have done. As we play and learn together, we extend that respect to all Aboriginal people.

Abbotsford Public School
Address: 350 Great North Road Abbotsford NSW 2046
Phone: 02 9713 6220

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